Category Archives: Articles

24: Be Happy; Hashem is Here!


Elul, Rosh Hashana, and Yom Kippur are potentially very stressful times.

However when one looks at different parts of the tefillos which we say every day, they really paint a different picture.

In Shacharis right before shmoneh esreh, we proclaim “Hashem yimloch l’olam vo’ed’. Directly preceding that we say “Shira chadasha shibchu geulim etc “. This means that Klal Yisrael are singing as they proclaim that Hashem is King! We see this even more clearly in maariv every night. We say at the end of the paragraph right after Shema, “Umalchuso b’ratzon kiblu aleihem, Moshe u’Vnei Yisrael lecha anu shira bsimcha rabba etc” meaning “As Moshe and the Bnei Yisrael accept Hashems Kingship, they sing with tremendous happiness”! So Moshe and the Jews are happy and singing when proclaiming that G-d is King! Additionally, there are several pesukim in Kabolas Shabbos which describe the following idea. Lets choose one.

“Neharos Yimcha’u chaf, yachad harim y’raneinu, lifnei Hashem ki va lishpot ha’aretz”. Loosely

translated this means that when G-d becomes King, the rivers clap and the mountains dance! Nature’s response is one of happiness and joy.

Natures response to G-d becoming King does not seem stressful at all. Quite the contrary, nature is very happy and joyful that G-d is becoming King. We see clearly from these tefillos that there is a great aspect of being happy and joyful when G-d becomes King.

Why should we be so happy during these times when we coronate Hashem as King?!

Chazal chose one perek of Tehillim which we say twice a day from the beginning of Elul until Simchas Torah. Which Perek is this and what ideas does it talk about?! “L’dovid Hashem Ori V’yishi’I, Mi’mi Ira etc”. This perek is all about G-ds salvation; G-d protecting us from our enemies and being there for us when we need; It discusses G-d’s great love for us. If Chazal chose this perek of tehillim for us to say throughout these days, it must epitomize what these times are all about. And that is, that these times are all about G-d’s love for us; His closeness to us and our closeness to Him. The wording of the passionate Tefilla “Avinu Malkeinu”, is Avinu first, and then Malkeinu. G-d is our loving, compassionate, fatherly King. At the same time that there is a level of fear when G-d becomes King, because we are getting judged, there is still an overlying level of happiness; because G-d, our King, Who loves us and protects us so much is here. So Hashem being King represents these ideas. G-d loves us; He is there for us; He protects us. This is what we are happy and joyful about during this time! As a matter of fact, I heard directly from the Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel, HaRav Aharon Feldman shlit”a, (and my twin brother told me he heard the same from HaRav Asher Arielli shlit”a of the Mir!) that in our generation, during elul one’s main avoda should not be working on attaining a level of pachad, fear, rather one should work on being happy about G-d’s Kingship! And this is the whole idea of Succos. We go into a succah, where we are out in the elements with little physical protection. This reminds us of the tremendous protection which G-d provided the Jews in the Midbar, and of the love and protection which He continues to provide us up until this day.

I would like to add one thought to this. The following concept may be difficult to totally accept, especially right during a time of difficulty, but it can be very inspiring and encouraging, at the right time. When a person experiences a nisayon, a difficult time, it is very similar to the idea which we just expressed. Just as when G-d becomes King, though there is an aspect of fear, at the same time we feel G-ds love and His closeness to us, and this is great reason for us to be joyful and happy; so too when G-d challenges us and sends us a difficult situation. Yes, it is difficult; sometimes very difficult; sometimes excruciatingly and totally overwhelmingly difficult. However Rabbeinu Yona says that G-d only sends a difficult challenge to one whom He loves. When G-d sends us difficulty, He is paying special and close attention to us. It is a sign that G-d especially loves us. So though we definitely don’t daven for nisyonos, and this idea may not make a nisayon easier, still, we should realize that if G-d chooses us to send a nisayon, this says something tremendous about His particularly close relationship with us; and this says something tremendous about the person or people, to whom G-d chose to send the nisayon to.

I would like to end by sharing some feelings which I have had during these days. This is the time when people look back at their entire year. I personally cannot yet look back at mine. I am scared to look back. I am frightened. I am terrified of the extreme stress and emotional pain which I experienced over the past year. Last year by R”H and Yo”K, I cried more than ever; the din was more real than ever, because my dear, baby son was lying in a hospital bed since the day he was born, his life hanging in the balance. I came out of last R’H and Yo”K thinking that I had the most meaningful R”H and Yo”K of my life. Last year was probably the hardest year of my life. Yes, though it may be true that last R”H and Yo”K was the most meaningful, this year I decided I’m not relying on that. This year I cried a lot as well and the din was very real. Yehoshu is still in the hospital with a host of serious issues.

However, this year I am throwing my hands up in the air, and throwing my faith and belief into G-d’s hands. G-d, I tried to daven hard again this year. But regardless of my performance, I beg you please let us have a good year, without pain and stress, for us and for all of Klal Yisroel.

L’zchus Refua Sheleima Yehoshua Ben Nechama Aliza; L’iluy Nishmas Chaim Pinchos ben Yaakov Yitzchok