Elokai Neshomo remix
I composed this no-lyric tune right after I received rough news and I felt like I hit rock bottom – very hard. At times like these, there are no words.”
L”n HaRav Sheftel Neuberger zt”l late menahel of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel Baltimore
There are so few Chanuka songs, that a few years ago I sat down by the Chanuka licht and this is the tune which came out
Elokai Neshomo – L’zchus refua shelaima Yehoshua ben Nechama Aliza
Ashira – Composed Lz”rshl Yehoshua Ben Nechama Aliza (While holding Yehoshualeh in my arms!)
L’zchus HaChosson Pinny Lefkowitz shtch”yeh
Niggun L’kavod habachur habar mitzva hachashuv Avrohom Abba Lefkowitz! Mazal Tov!
L’iluy Nishmas Shmuel Yosef Strohli a”h
L’iluy Nishmas Chaya Bracha Jearelman a”h
L’iluy Nishmas R’ Yoel Feldman zt”l
L’iluy Nishmas Chaya Ahuva a”h Zuber
Tisha B’av Song 2017