HS #6

We see from here the following amazing fundamental lesson. What does “frum/religious” mean? We grow up being taught that someone who is shomer Shabbos, davens 3 times a day, and has sidelocks is a frum person. If someone wears a white shirt and black hat and jacket, learns 10 hours a day, and has peyos which don’t fit behind his ears, than he is even more frum. But this is WRONG!! NOT TRUE! We see from what Rav Weinberg said that these are all externals. The main focus and idea of being frum is more internal; regardless of how they dress and whether they are in learning or working; being frum or not is more than that. It is a question of whether a person is living their life and acting in accordance with what G-d wants. If a person wears a black hat and jacket and has thick sidelocks, but their balance of priorities allow them to throw chairs at women just because they are making a minyan at the Kosel, than “they are not frum people”!

The world out there, even the Jewish world, is extremely confused and misguided. Too much emphasis is too often put on the wrong parts of Judaism. Things which are not a main part of serving G-d, or are not a part at all, are stressed as fundamentals of Judaism, while the things which are truly fundamentals of Judaism and serving G-d are either not stressed enough or not stressed at all.

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