HS #5

Here is another perfect, amazing example of the idea of people doing and saying things which, in their misguided minds is part of serving G-d, when in truth these actions don’t have anything remotely to do with G-d or serving G-d.

I heard on a tape from HaRav Yaakov Weinberg zt”l (2nd Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel) the following question. A Rabbi asked Rav Weinberg, that this Rabbis congregation told him that there was a phenomenon of woman making a minyan at the Kosel Wall, and that some “religious” men threw chairs at the woman from the men’s side. The congregation had asked the Rabbi about his view on this. The Rabbi was asking Rav Weinberg what he should tell them. His obvious quandary was should he tell them that these men were seemingly doing the wrong thing by throwing chairs at the women; or on the other hand, he asked Rav Weinberg, the Rabbi didn’t want to put down other frum Jews in front of his congregation. What was Rav Weinberg’s response to this question? He practically shouted “They aren’t “frum” Jews!!!  I don’t know what you are talking about!!”  Rav Weinberg went on to explain, that if they are throwing chairs at women, what these people are doing is utterly and completely wrong, to the extent that they’re not “frum Jews”! The idea we see from Rav Weinberg is that these people throwing chairs is not only wrong, but it has absolutely not the faintest connection to G-d and to appropriately serving G-d. By no stretch of the imagination does G-d want men to throw chairs at women.

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